.about me

Posted: by John in

I’ve been a tech-enthusiast since my dad came home with our first computer. It’s been many, many years, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. I remember opening the box and seeing the beautiful beige-colored Packard Bell 486/25 with a blazing fast 25 MHz processor and an unbelievable 4MB of RAM. After a few weeks of playing SkiFree, I got bored and started a Bulletin Board System using WWIV software. People from all over the fledgling interwebs would connect to share warez and pics and I’ve been hooked ever since.

 Fast-forward a few years and I’ve become an IT jack-of-all-trades. I’ve been a web developer, networking consultant for small businesses, a help desk monkey, and I'm currently working the healthcare IT world as an Active Directory specialist. This blog is going to chronicle my exploits (!) in in Windows Security and Information Security-related articles.

 Thanks for looking at my blog and I look forward to seeing you again.